Rachel Leggett & associates
Community projects
Helping your Town or Parish Council to develop a Parish Infrastructure Investment Plan for the spending of Community Infrastructure Levy, Section 106 and other funds
Community project support
​Action planning
Community consultation
Delivery planning
Project management
Stakeholder management
Design briefs
Grant applications​
Community Infrastructure Levy
Section 106
Participatory budgeting
Training for Town & Parish Councils and community groups: Getting a community project off the ground
Please get in contact to discuss bespoke support for your community project
Case study: Two new play areas for Dereham town, Norfolk
Tony Needham, Dereham Town Clerk: “Rachel’s technical knowledge
regarding consulting with members of the public and third party
organisations was exceptional, these skills combined with her soft skills when
she was engaging with members of the public, enabled her to provide first rate results and a superb report” (January 2014).
Stage 1: Community and stakeholder engagement
40 recorded interviews with toddler group parents, teenagers, children, residents and dog walkers
Site meeting with architectural liaison officer
Interviews with police and rugby club
Workshops with Town Councillors
Article in the local paper
Facebook group and text messages
Site visits to inspiring play areas
Stage 2: Play area design
Detailed report on findings
Two Design and Build briefs developed
Liaison with play equipment manufacturers
Procurement process developed
Assessment of designs with Town Councillors and local infant school
Stage 3: Funding applications
Section 106
Local Council
Quote from local resident: “This is the best thing that has happened to Dereham in a long time. We love this play area!” (March 2015).